Jensen Ackles' Not-So-Hot Love Scenes
(Jensen性感的另一面 專訪)
by 連結
Wednesday January 14, 2009, 9:00 PM
(不是我在說 這張圖真的是太小了! 不過就是因為有這張圖才引起我對這篇文章的興趣呀!! XD)
He's a hit battling evil forces on CW's Supernatural,
and now you can catch Jensen Ackles on the big screen facing a monster minerwho
swings a mean pickaxe in My Bloody Valentine 3D.
他在CW的影集”超自然檔案”裡,是股打擊邪惡的正義力量. 但現在你馬上就可以看到Jensen
Ackles在大銀幕上,對抗恐怖礦坑裡揮舞著鶴嘴鋤殺人狂的身影,就在My Bloody Valentine 3D.
It's one more step toward stardom for the hunky guy
from Dallas who got his start on Days of Our Lives and went on to Dawson's
Creek, Dark Angel and Smallville.
這位來自德州達拉斯的性感猛男,一路從Days of Our Lives
開始,到之後的Dawson's Creek, Dark Angel 和Smallville的歷鍊下,又把他的演藝生涯往前更推進了一大步.
Q: There's a lot of in-your-face violence, not to
mention blood and gore, spurting off the screen in 3D. Is it a good thing for
the audience to be ducking body parts?
Q:這真是身歷其境的恐怖片阿! 在3D大螢幕上看著恐怖的死狀,跟到處狂噴的血! 觀眾大概從頭到尾都要心驚膽跳的看電影,你覺得這樣好嗎??
A: I would say it gets a little ugly. But it
wouldn't be a good old-fashioned slasher movie if it didn't. We tried to push
the envelope a little bit and have things flying right at you. But that's what
makes it a fun ride. It's definitely cooler and more frightening in 3D.
A:我要說,應該是真的會很恐怖. 但是如果不這樣做的話,那就沒意思啦!
Q: A lot of the scariest scenes are in an
abandoned mine that looks chillingly spooky.
A: It was literally chilling. It was warm outside
but you'd go down in the mine and it would drop 20 degrees. It was creepy
because it was dark and the only way out was behind you. We had bats hanging
above us but they didn't wake up, at least while I was around.
Q: After doing Supernatural and a horror
flick, do you ever wonder whether ghosts are actually outthere?
A: I think after doing the show I've got this false
sense of confidence that I know how to handle strange phenomena, which probably
isn't a good thing. Actually, more than believing in ghosts, I'm superstitious.
I'll knock on wood, and I had a lucky hat that I'd always wear when I played
A:在拍過超自然檔案後,我覺得當有一天我遇上什麼詭異的事情時,我是有能力可以面對的. 這大概是件好事吧!
Q: You've had your share of romantic scenes. Do
you remember your first on-screen kiss?
A: It was my screen test for Days of Our
Lives. I had to kiss Christie Clark during the audition. Ironically, I
ended up playing her brother on the show. Anyway, Christie said I did a good
job, and I did get the part.
A:是在拍Days of Our Lives的時候吧.在選角時我要和Christie
Clark接吻.但諷刺的是,最後在裡面我是演她弟弟.總之, Christie說我做得很好,我也順利的得到那個角色啦!
Q: Do you remember your first real-life kiss?
A: I was in 7th grade, and it was at a Christmas
dance. They were playing the very last song and I went in for the kill. And
this girl broke up with me the next day. I don't know what it was. Maybe I went
too far.
A:是在我七年級時的耶誕舞會上.在舞會放的最一首歌時,我吻了這個女孩,但她隔天就不理我了. 我不知道為什麼,可能我太突然,嚇到她了.

Q: Have you learned any secrets about locking lips?
A: Go for the mints and minty gum, which they
have available before the scene. On Days of Our Lives it was Binaca that
we'd be spritzing with before we kissed. Actually,it's all very organized and
you have to remember the choreography, not to mention your lines. The feelings
that you get when you actually kiss somebody are totally different than what
you put on the screen.
A:要拍戲前先吃一些薄荷糖或口香糖,劇組都會有準備. 在拍Days of Our
Lives的時候我有一場和Binaca的吻戲. 在開始拍攝前我們還要先花點時間培養一下氣氛.其實就慢慢來啦,只是你要特別注意你的身體語言,台詞當然也不能忘了.拍吻戲跟你在日常生活裡接吻,真的是兩回事.
Q: You grew up in Texas, but you left your
accent behind.
A: It can come back every now and again. Every
so often I'll get caught saying a word with a tinge of the Lone Star State.
When I go back home and hang around my family it pops out but not nearly as
much as George W.
A:當然還是會有! 有時候我講到某些字,還是會帶著點家鄉的口音.(德州腔?)
還有跟我家人在一起時,就會很自然的冒出來. 但當然是沒有像喬治布希的那麼重.
Q: Did you leave your boots behind?
A: I don't wear them anymore, but I'd be lying
if I didn't say I had a pair in my closet.
Q: You came to L.A.
right out of high school to become an actor. What have you learned along the
A: I was so young, an 18-year-old wide-eyed teenager
from Texas who didn't really have his ways set yet. Since then
I've learned that Hollywood is not a corporate ladder that you can climb to the
top. It's such an unpredictable business that you've just got to keep pressing
and stay focused. I'm a roll-with-the-punches kind of guy but feel like I'm
making progress.
自己無聊在逛Google時 突然看到這篇專訪,就被Jensen燦爛的笑容給拐來看完了這篇訪問 XD 因為覺得實在是很可愛,
雖然我翻譯的篇數還不是很多,但是真的覺得蠻有興趣~ 這是當初意想不到的!
反正部落格空空的~就也貼在這邊 貼中英文雖然是看了有點會眼花,但是我覺得有空再回來看時,可以回想當初在翻譯的時候,有哪裡不會?學到了什麼新的東西?
locking lips:其實是"激吻"的意思, 嘴唇鎖在一起
...果然是很激動啊!! XD
roll-with-the-punches:俚語~是從拳擊賽衍生而來.想像一下對手揮拳而自己一邊閃躲的畫面! 所以又可以說成兵來將擋,水來土掩. 過關斬將啦! (啊~Jensen好辛苦! 你終於登上大螢幕啦!!!

He's a hit battling evil forces on CW's Supernatural,
and now you can catch Jensen Ackles on the big screen facing a monster minerwho
swings a mean pickaxe in My Bloody Valentine 3D.
他在CW的影集”超自然檔案”裡,是股打擊邪惡的正義力量. 但現在你馬上就可以看到Jensen
Ackles在大銀幕上,對抗恐怖礦坑裡揮舞著鶴嘴鋤殺人狂的身影,就在My Bloody Valentine 3D.
It's one more step toward stardom for the hunky guy from Dallas who got his start on Days of Our Lives and went on to Dawson's Creek, Dark Angel and Smallville.
這位來自德州達拉斯的性感猛男,一路從Days of Our Lives 開始,到之後的Dawson's Creek, Dark Angel 和Smallville的歷鍊下,又把他的演藝生涯往前更推進了一大步.
Q: There's a lot of in-your-face violence, not to
mention blood and gore, spurting off the screen in 3D. Is it a good thing for
the audience to be ducking body parts?
Q:這真是身歷其境的恐怖片阿! 在3D大螢幕上看著恐怖的死狀,跟到處狂噴的血! 觀眾大概從頭到尾都要心驚膽跳的看電影,你覺得這樣好嗎??
A: I would say it gets a little ugly. But it wouldn't be a good old-fashioned slasher movie if it didn't. We tried to push the envelope a little bit and have things flying right at you. But that's what makes it a fun ride. It's definitely cooler and more frightening in 3D.
A:我要說,應該是真的會很恐怖. 但是如果不這樣做的話,那就沒意思啦! 只不過又是另ㄧ部血淋淋的恐怖片而已.所有的東西都會在你眼皮上呈現! 這就是3D好玩的地方啊!!絕對是更酷更刺激的新感受!!
Q: A lot of the scariest scenes are in an
abandoned mine that looks chillingly spooky.
A: It was literally chilling. It was warm outside but you'd go down in the mine and it would drop 20 degrees. It was creepy because it was dark and the only way out was behind you. We had bats hanging above us but they didn't wake up, at least while I was around.
A:是阿!那地方是真的會讓你覺得毛毛的!在礦坑外天氣溫暖的不得了,但一進去就好像掉了20幾度一樣. 更恐怖的是,礦坑裡伸手不見五指,而你唯一的出路卻在你身後.我們頭頂上還掛著一堆在睡覺的蝙蝠哩!不過牠們當時還沒醒來就是.
Q: After doing Supernatural and a horror flick, do you ever wonder whether ghosts are actually outthere?
A: I think after doing the show I've got this false sense of confidence that I know how to handle strange phenomena, which probably isn't a good thing. Actually, more than believing in ghosts, I'm superstitious. I'll knock on wood, and I had a lucky hat that I'd always wear when I played basketball.
A:在拍過超自然檔案後,我覺得當有一天我遇上什麼詭異的事情時,我是有能力可以面對的. 這大概是件好事吧! 但事實上,比起要相信有鬼,我想我更迷信吧!我會習慣敲敲木頭祈求好運,也有一頂打籃球時專用的幸運帽!
Q: You've had your share of romantic scenes. Do
you remember your first on-screen kiss?
A: It was my screen test for Days of Our Lives. I had to kiss Christie Clark during the audition. Ironically, I ended up playing her brother on the show. Anyway, Christie said I did a good job, and I did get the part.
A:是在拍Days of Our Lives的時候吧.在選角時我要和Christie Clark接吻.但諷刺的是,最後在裡面我是演她弟弟.總之, Christie說我做得很好,我也順利的得到那個角色啦!
Q: Do you remember your first real-life kiss?
A: I was in 7th grade, and it was at a Christmas dance. They were playing the very last song and I went in for the kill. And this girl broke up with me the next day. I don't know what it was. Maybe I went too far.
A:是在我七年級時的耶誕舞會上.在舞會放的最一首歌時,我吻了這個女孩,但她隔天就不理我了. 我不知道為什麼,可能我太突然,嚇到她了.
Q: Have you learned any secrets about locking lips?
A: Go for the mints and minty gum, which they have available before the scene. On Days of Our Lives it was Binaca that we'd be spritzing with before we kissed. Actually,it's all very organized and you have to remember the choreography, not to mention your lines. The feelings that you get when you actually kiss somebody are totally different than what you put on the screen.
A:要拍戲前先吃一些薄荷糖或口香糖,劇組都會有準備. 在拍Days of Our Lives的時候我有一場和Binaca的吻戲. 在開始拍攝前我們還要先花點時間培養一下氣氛.其實就慢慢來啦,只是你要特別注意你的身體語言,台詞當然也不能忘了.拍吻戲跟你在日常生活裡接吻,真的是兩回事.
Q: You grew up in Texas, but you left your accent behind.
A: It can come back every now and again. Every so often I'll get caught saying a word with a tinge of the Lone Star State. When I go back home and hang around my family it pops out but not nearly as much as George W.
A:當然還是會有! 有時候我講到某些字,還是會帶著點家鄉的口音.(德州腔?) 還有跟我家人在一起時,就會很自然的冒出來. 但當然是沒有像喬治布希的那麼重.
Q: Did you leave your boots behind?
A: I don't wear them anymore, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a pair in my closet.
Q: You came to L.A. right out of high school to become an actor. What have you learned along the way?
A: I was so young, an 18-year-old wide-eyed teenager from Texas who didn't really have his ways set yet. Since then I've learned that Hollywood is not a corporate ladder that you can climb to the top. It's such an unpredictable business that you've just got to keep pressing and stay focused. I'm a roll-with-the-punches kind of guy but feel like I'm making progress.
自己無聊在逛Google時 突然看到這篇專訪,就被Jensen燦爛的笑容給拐來看完了這篇訪問 XD 因為覺得實在是很可愛,
雖然我翻譯的篇數還不是很多,但是真的覺得蠻有興趣~ 這是當初意想不到的!
反正部落格空空的~就也貼在這邊 貼中英文雖然是看了有點會眼花,但是我覺得有空再回來看時,可以回想當初在翻譯的時候,有哪裡不會?學到了什麼新的東西?
locking lips:其實是"激吻"的意思, 嘴唇鎖在一起...果然是很激動啊!! XD
roll-with-the-punches:俚語~是從拳擊賽衍生而來.想像一下對手揮拳而自己一邊閃躲的畫面! 所以又可以說成兵來將擋,水來土掩. 過關斬將啦! (啊~Jensen好辛苦! 你終於登上大螢幕啦!!! )