It seems trite to say but simply put, Jim Beaver is an all over nice guy. He’s most gracious and humble in his nature and someone who I enjoyed having the pleasure of interviewing. When we got down to it, there was a lot to discuss about his upbringing, the start of his film career and what more he’s diving into but we also discussed films in general and his view of them and some things that Beaver enjoys doing the utmost.
如果要我形容Jim Beaver這個人,老實說,除了超級大好人這五個字之外,我想不到其它的形容。他的謙虛有禮讓整個訪問過程非常的輕鬆愉快。我們聊了很多,從他的家庭到他如何接觸演藝事業,為什麼愛上了這份工作?也討論他喜愛的電影,他的觀影心得,還有他的興趣。
So, with all the movies you’ve watched over the years and admired, is there a movie in cinematic history that you wish you had either wrote or starred in? Or perhaps even created?
No. Of course, it's great to think about being in something like "The Grapes of Wrath" or "Schindler's List" or "Unforgiven", but I like those films for what they are, and they aren't any less just because I didn't get to be in them. It's not so much a case of wishing I could be in some previous classic as it is hoping I get to be in something that becomes a great classic. I've been pretty close a couple of times. And it ain't over yet!
Is there a film out there that you could perhaps see yourself remaking?
I guess it would be fun to try to repeat the magic in some movie I've loved, but my previous answer really applies here, too. I'd rather be in something new that somebody else wanted to remake in several years! Also, a lot of the movies I really love don't necessarily have parts that I'm right for. I love "On the Waterfront", but I don't know who I'd play in a remake. I'm not right for it.
When you’re not acting Jim, what are some things you do to unwind and just relax?
I spend far too much time on the internet! I do a lot of stuff related to film history and I write bios and plot summaries for the IMDb, and I love finding obscure credits and adding them to the cast and crew lists there. I watch a lot of movies and I read a great deal. I'm on a long-term project of reading biographies of each American president, in order. I'm getting ready to start Grover Cleveland, in case anyone's interested. When I'm in L.A., I spend as much time as I can around my home theatre company, Theatre West, either participating in plays or in the various acting and writing workshops there.
我花非常多的時間在上網!我會寫很多和影視歷史有關的東西,例如我會幫IMDb建資料跟寫簡介。我也很喜歡到處蒐集資料來更新裡面的內容。我看非常多的電影,也看很多很多的書。我現在打算把美國歷任總統的傳記都看完!我現在已經看到Grover Cleveland(22和24任)啦!我在LA的時候都盡量待在我家和公會(Thetre West)附近,以便參與一些小型演出跟討論會。
*Theatre West has received much international acclaim as one of the most popular and oldest community arts organizations in Los Angeles since its conception in 1962. Along with Beaver, some of the most talented actors performed on stage such as Richard Dreyfuss, Carroll O’Connor, Martin Landau and Beau Bridges. Over three years ago, Beaver performed as Henry II on the Theatre West stage’s production of The Lion in Winter, garnering much praise and accolades from his peers and theatre goers.
*Theatre West自1962年成立以來,就不斷得到相當多國際的注目與呼聲,是一個歷史悠久也相當有影響力的影藝組織。除了Jim之外也孕育出很多優秀人才像是Richard Dreyfuss, Carroll O’Connor, Martin Landau and Beau Bridges這些人。大約三年多前,Jim在Theatre West的舞台劇「The Lion in Winter」裡演出亨利二世,得到很多的矚目及肯定。
He goes on to say, "I hang out, on occasion, with my friends or with my seven-year-old daughter. That's about it. Not exactly life in the fast lane, is it?"
So then tell me, what brings a smile to your face? Or what makes you frown?
A good joke. A bad joke. Nothing makes me smile as much as my little girl. I try not too frown much..
Do you have an iPod?
I have an iPod [and] I love it! I never would have bought one, but it was in the gift bag when I was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild a couple of years ago and it’s the best thing I ever found in a gift bag!
我有一台啊!!我很愛呢!! 我自己是不會買這樣的東西,但幾年前在我被公會提名為銀幕男星的時候,它就在被提名人的禮物袋裡!這大概是我在禮物袋裡頭找出來過最棒的玩意。
And what do you enjoy listening to?
My musical tastes are all over the place and it’s all in my iPod. I’ve got some of my favourite stuff in there: Yul Brynner singing Russian gypsy songs, excerpts from Gilbert & Sullivan comic operas, soundtracks to classic movies, lots of stuff by the Beatles, the Ventures, Rick Nelson, Dropkick Murphys, the Dresden Dolls, and a little duo from L.A. that I'm wild about, Jen & Abby. They do wonderful sort of hip, James Taylor/Joni Mitchell-like stuff but with a quirky twist. There are about 900 other artists on that iPod, too, along with a lot of NPR podcasts. I'm never short of something to listen to.
我對音樂的喜好很廣,幾乎來者不拒!我的iPOD就像個音樂大雜燴哩!有Yul Brynner唱著猶太吉普賽的曲子,摘錄自吉爾伯特與沙利文歌劇裡的音樂,經典老片的原聲帶,很多很多的披頭四,投機者樂團,Rick Nelson,Dropkick Murphys,德勒登斯娃娃,還有我相當熱衷的Alittle duo from L.A.和Jen&Abby。他們的創作非常棒,是一種James Taylar和Joni Mitchell的民謠曲風但還加了一些自己的變化。
What are some of your favourite TV shows?
Besides my own? I love "The Wire". I love "My Name is Earl" and "Little Britain". "Robot Chicken" is one of my favourites. I want to do one of those! I'm a big fan of "Rescue Me". That's about it for TV. I'm getting ready to start watching "Dexter" and "Oz" for the first time because I've heard great things but except for these, a few older shows that I still love, I'd usually rather watch a movie than a TV show.
除了我自己演的啊? 我想想,我喜歡"The Wire",我愛"My Name is Earl" 和"Little Britain"。"Robot Chicken"也是我很喜歡的一部。我想要有像這樣的作品!我還是"Rescue Me"的忠實影迷,電視影集大概就這些了。我最近開始有在看"Dexter" 還有"Oz",因為風評都還蠻不錯的,我也很喜歡一些早期的影集,但是跟影集比較起來,我還是比較喜歡看電影。
Well, what are some of your favourite movies then?
Easy. "The Searchers" is my number-one favorite and has been for almost since childhood. "Ride the High Country," "Farewell My Lovely," "Yojimbo," "Seven Samurai," "Under Fire," "Out of the Past," "Casablanca," "The Petrified Forest," "The Man Who Would Be King," "Treasure of the Sierra Madre," "The Grapes of Wrath," "The Alamo," "The Ballad of Cable Hogue," the list goes on a very long while.
Beaver will next be seen in the CBS series, "Harper’s Island", a suspense thriller set on an island where the characters find themselves in the middle of a murder mystery. Beaver plays Sheriff Charlie Mills and with all the esteemed casts he’s worked with over the years, I just had to ask him amongst all the shows he’s been in, which was his favourite.
接下來我們會在CBS的影集,"Harper’s Island"裡看到Jim,是一個懸疑驚悚的系列影集。在一個小島,劇中的角色們發現自己被捲入一樁神秘的謀殺案。他飾演劇中的警長Charlie Mills,他已經和這個優秀的劇組團隊合作超過一年多了。我必須要問他在拍過這麼多的影集中,他最喜歡的是哪一部?
“Well, that’s like asking me who my favourite sister is,” he replies. “Even if I had one, I couldn’t say without hurting someone’s feelings. I will say this: I’ve been on several series and the casts of "Thunder Alley", "Deadwood", "Supernatural"and "Harper’s Islan" all feel like family to me and not just colleagues. The other shows have been great too; the casts have been wonderful people but these four are people I think I’ll always have a family-like feel for.”
呃!這就~好像在問我我最喜歡我哪個妹妹一樣為難啊!(笑)就算我有一個標準答案,但在不傷感情的考量下我要說:"Thunder Alley", "Deadwood", "Supernatural "and" Harper’s Island"這四部影集的劇組人員們,都讓我覺得我不是在跟同事工作,反而像是和家人一起生活。其它很多的夥伴們也都非常非常優秀,但這四個是我最有親切感,也最熟悉的。
*As well as playing Bobby Singer on The CW hit, "Supernatural" be on the lookout for "Harper’s Island" making it’s series premiere on April 9th on CBS, following CSI and Beaver’s memoir, Life’s That Way releasing a week later on April 16th in bookstores everywhere and online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
*Jim除了在CW的熱門影集「超自然檔案」裡演出兩位主角的叔叔Bobby Singer之外,CBS在四月九號也要開始他的新戲"Harper’s Island"一系列的宣傳。接著還有新的CSI小說和Jim的自傳" Life’s That Way "也將在4/16號在各大書店及Amazon和Barnes and Noble同步上市。